Simpli Science Gals is your gateway to unraveling the mysteries of science. Our platform is dedicated to simplifying complex scientific papers and concepts, making them accessible to everyone, regardless of background or expertise.

We Want to Offer: 

  • Easy-to-Follow Tutorials: Access to a comprehensive library of tutorials designed to break down complex scientific concepts into simple, understandable lessons.

  • Curated News: Stay updated with the latest scientific developments through our carefully curated news section, featuring insightful articles and analyses.

  • Scientific Paper Analysis: Gain deeper insights into scientific papers with our expert analysis, helping you decipher complex research findings with ease.

Our Pages and What They Mean:

  • The What's and Why's: This is a crash course in the most common scientific terms and concepts you'll come across in your science journey. From hypothesis and variables, to reliability and validity. 


  • Basics and Myths Explained: This is the place where we take the basic concepts of science fields - DNA and Genetics, Brain Development and Motor Function, and give you a crash course in understanding in the most misunderstood areas of science. 


  • Papers Made Easy: This is where we take papers - either from our own choosing or submitted by you - and simplify their core message, what it means and why it matters. 


  • News and Views: Our chance to nerd out a little. We take some of the latest news and breakthroughs in the science worlds and give our view on it, why we care, and maybe why you should care too. 


Ready to dive deeper? Here are some ways to get involved:

  • Sign Up for Our Newsletter: Stay in the loop with the latest science news, educational resources, and exclusive offers by subscribing to our newsletter. Get valuable insights delivered straight to your inbox.

  • Follow Us on Social Media: Join our vibrant community on social media platforms such as Twitter, and Instagram. Connect with like-minded individuals, participate in discussions, and stay updated on the latest Simpli Science Gals content.

  • Explore Featured Content: Dive into our curated selection of featured articles, tutorials, and analyses.  

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